Rock Creek Park by Dr. Jeffrey Fearing (c) 1990
Anamakeesuk Papon.
Today is Winter.
It is the season when Mother Earth rests from the labor of giving us shelter, food and the beautiful experiences of her formations throughout the year. In the winter, Father Sky covers Mother Earth with a blanket of snow where our ancestors rest. Papon is the season when we honor our dead. We gather for Midwinter Ceremonies to remember them. It is also a solemn and happy time of reflection and reconsideration.
Wanantowush Paponanit
Blessings in the Spirit of Winter
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Greetings and thanks for stopping by!
SOJ is being updated, thank you in advance for your understanding.
I do not have to tell you a lot has hit the fan since the inauguration of the current American President. Such as he is, the society-wide reaction is far worse and is at fault. Before the election on the campaign trail he made it clear what he would do. His toxic predatory behavior demonstrated what he was capable of to the point where 27 psychiatrists and mental health professionals compiled their findings in a book upholding their professional obligation they refer to as a duty to warn. And by the way, the book of 27 psychiatrists and mental health professionals has now been updated to include 10 more.
The observations compiled in that book, THE DANGEROUS CASE OF DONALD TRUMP by Dr. Bandy Lee has nothing to do with any political party or dumb ass American functionality labels such as leftist, progressive, conservative, radical, extremist, patriotic, right wing, left wing or any other American simple minded narrative. It has everything to do with being behaviorally and mentally dangerous. A psychologist, Dr. Mary Trump who happens to be his niece with both professional and personal family experience repeatedly implored the public to stop treating him as if he was normal in response to journalists who continued to ask her questions from a logical point of reference. She would continue to explain the patterned dynamic of his behavior. Given all this, the mental fabric of America saw fit to elect him again even after the adjudicated (not to mention straight up in front of your eyes) seditious insurrection of Jan 6th, the ruin in its path and the collateral continuing damage as a result.
Why? What the hell?, you ask. Well, some ask. Some of us are very clear and are taking action, sharing information and forming coalitions.
It is what I refer to as the American mental hair-triggered fabric that is critically in need of immediate attention as far as I’m concerned. The abhorrent crisis does not lay at the feet of the dangerous felon but is rather all on the American mental auto-pilot that goes on to permit, protect, allow, celebrate, stand helplessly by or acutely in denial as the confusion, chaos and destruction continue to blow up and infect. This is why I hold the position that whatever the outcome of the 2024 election, the need to confront America’s head trip remains to be a critical emergency. This work is unavoidable and will have to be done. Unconditionally.
I’m so sick of the word unprecedented. None of this madness is unprecedented. It is all diagnostically predictable and not surprising to those who are capable of seeing and comprehending exactly what is going on. Unless and until the authentic meaning of democracy backed by an accountable authority is established and consistently enforced and is woven into the mental fabric of America, the consequences of confusion and perversions will continue, mutate and spiral into its ultimate destruction and multitudes of suffering along the way.
I have folks who I can trust with my furious rants. They love me and I am grateful they listen to me vent. My Gil Scott-Heron / Brian Jackson playlist is affirming and comforting keeping my anger in check. Anger in response to perversion is normal, it is a transitional emotion that helps us take action by telling our brains something is wrong. I’m taking time to calm down to share what I believe to be our collective problem which is being held captive in a society of systemic oppression. This is the resulting infection of existing on stolen land and pretending it is something else.
SOJ will be updated shortly to define systemic oppression, what that actually means, how it starts, how it infects, how it functions, and how to stop it in order to recover from an oppressed population to a dependency-free sovereign populace made up of a citizenry that votes and that is capable of identifying and heading off stupidness that is bound to happen among human beings and is capable of being responsible for an authentic democracy.
This is the hard work part. It can seem boring in contrast to the adrenalin rush from exciting drama and explosions. Admitting can be painful. Confronting oppression is definitely shocking to the senses that have become conditioned to normalized and sometimes celebrated perversions by a rationale that denies, lies and agrees to identify as an object of oppression whether that object is brutalized or seemingly privileged. Confronting oppression on many levels is a sovereign journey for self. From ending a toxic relationship to ending a toxic society, it is a journey for self alone. There is nothing to join. Do not look for a leader to shepherd (aka control) you through it or provide easy short cuts for you. If anyone claims to be the one who can deliver you, get some garlic and go the other way. You are the only indigenous authority to your personhood. Connecting with others is different. It is very important to make strategic alliances where sharing information and exchanging ideas can happen and personhood is sustained.
In the meantime, junk email is annoying and I don’t want to contribute to the pile up in your inbox. I guess I really shouldn’t say junk email because I am on several lists of inspiring and incredible sources and there is so much good stuff to read! But I also know a jammed inbox is awful. I do plan to send a notice when this update is complete. Please let me know if you want to receive future emails or text notices. I need to hear from you in the affirmative YES to continue. Believe me, I really understand. Either way, you are always welcome to check back to SOJ whenever you wish and or to email me.
Thanks again for taking your valuable time to stop by. It is appreciated.
Be back!
“... a lot of times people see, …. battles and skirmishes on TV, and they say, “Aha, the revolution is being televised.” Nah. The results of the revolution are being televised. The first revolution is when you change your mind…”
A Talk: Bluesology / Black History
Gil Scott-Heron
To be continued.
In the meantime, be happy, be healthy, be safe and just be...
See. Hear. Feel. Think. Speak. Care. Share.
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Matinecoc Nation
Confront oppression
All it takes is a change of mind
Rock Creek Park by photographer Dr. Jeffrey J. Fearing appeared on the very first issue of my print newsletter, “The Spirit of January Monthly” in 1990. Rock Creek Park is in Washington, DC where we both attended Howard University in the late 60’s. It was a golden time at a phenomenal institution where I met Jeff, a friend for life, Nemot - my brother. I am honored to share this photograph once again 30 years later.