Like a foul smell from rotting garbage, all manifestations of systemic racism, good ol’ boy networks, redlining, gerrymandering, voter suppression, atrocious labels, and such similarly originate from a condition like that rotting garbage. That condition is systemic oppression.
Systemic oppression is driven by toxic interactions among an effected population where ongoing abuse or neglect occurs. To be clear, chronic oppression is environmental, it is not a matter of horrific things happening only to those who visibly bleed. Systemic oppression effects everyone even those who are thought of as ‘privileged’ - and whether or not the privileged see it, they bleed too -visibly or not.
America was established through crimes against humanity. The land was stolen through the holocaust of its indigenous peoples. The American economy was built on the imprisonment and chattel slavery of human beings. The American esteem was established on the contempt for those who suffered as a result of these crimes.
A single crime is one thing but once a crime is repeated and becomes the basis of an ongoing presence, that presence defines a condition. Such a condition needs a rationale of entitlement in order to preserve and justify it - you know, like that thief who steals what they see as ‘their money’ in ‘your wallet’? Once that rationale of entitlement takes hold of the victim, the thief won’t have to work so hard because the victim will hand over the wallet with the money in it and will apologize for being late.
Because that entitlement is false, it can only be sustained by force. The only way force can be sustained is through domination. The entitlement to dominate is coded in this instance by an invented superior race. The supremacy of that race coded as ‘white’ can only exist through the falsehood of an inferior race coded as ‘black’. Because an invented superiority requires an invented inferiority in order to exist, a co-dependent condition will result. Mythical superiority/inferiority is the ego of American identity.
All institutional and belief systems are rooted in the rationale of racialized domination. This rationale is fundamental in outlining the who what, how and why of repeated events throughout history up to the most recent atrocities. Things like racialized contempt throughout all levels of law enforcement, social, emotional, and psychological perceptions are all born out of this thought process and the process is binding.
Like flies can be swatted and perfumed air freshener might cover up the foul smell, none of that goes away unless the source is eradicated. Unless and until chronic oppression is eradicated, the behavioral drugs will continue to confuse and debilitate everyone involved. Privileged or not, the tragedies and perversions will repeat. The flies and the stench will be back because nobody took out the rotting garbage.
To bring it all to a final end, this must be about a complete and unconditional purge and change of mind. Be ready to throw out the conditioned mind set and be ready for changes that can mean the end of emotional and psychological attachment - or as in other more localized systems of ongoing abuse, addiction.
When we become a dependency free populace by holding our individual selves accountable by unlearning chronic oppression we then become that collective voice of sovereign selves to confront and eradicate that chronic condition by:
See, you can’t just SAY something is against the so-called law, there must be a willingness and ability to take action relevant to the need. What if I hung a sign in a bar saying. NO FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME ALLOWED, will the rule stop it from happening?
Instead of ‘lets talk about race’, let’s unconditionally confront race. Confront being dehumanized as racialized, sexualized and commodified objects invented to enable the neediness, the socio-pathology, the subjugation of mythical whiteness. This will also have to mean confronting the perversion of personally being racialized as white, black, yellow and red and releasing all the rules, roles and rituals that come with it.
The human will to survive is stronger than any trumped up system of racist perversion and degeneracy. As human beings, our DNA is hardwired for altruism - we care for each other by instinct to preserve the species. People will run to the rescue and form a human chain to pull a stranger from drowning. People run into burning buildings to save someone they don’t know. Infants will put their fingers to the mouth of the one who is feeding them to share. People who have very little will share to preserve the only thing they have - their humanity.
I have my own self interest in this - I want to be in an environment of human beings that can catch me when I fall, put me in a societal time out if I have a dumb idea or throw a tantrum, support me if I should fall on hard times, and carry on as human beings interdependent on each other to make sure we are all fed, clothed and housed on this planet our Mother Earth. I do believe we can do this. It will take a collective determination to work through it when it gets boring, uncomfortable and all the excitement goes away. The strength that awaits on the other side is truly worth it. I do believe we can do this.
Tabatne naskwiunk ka netompowak
Thank you all my blood and all my friends
Matinecoc Nation